Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Cruzalegui, Pia | Continuing Education | piacruzalegui@planetaprodental.com | |
Daciolas, Jennifer | Science | jenniferdaciolas@planetaprodental.com | 3315 |
Dalton, Shelby | Athletics | shelbydalton@planetaprodental.com | |
Damsz, Brent | Assessment Services | brentdamsz@planetaprodental.com | 3852 |
Dandashli, Euphemie | Chemistry | euphemiedandashli@planetaprodental.com | |
Daniel, Jenifer | English Department | jeniferdaniel@planetaprodental.com | |
Darden, Oscar | Continuing Education | oscardarden@planetaprodental.com | |
Davis, Belinda | Admissions and Records | belindadavis@planetaprodental.com | 3392 |
Davis, Cheryl | Nursing | cheryldavis@planetaprodental.com | 3769 |
Davis, Dale | Operations and Maintenance | daledavis@planetaprodental.com | 3210 |
Davis, Ernest | Hospitality Industry Administration | ernestdavis@planetaprodental.com | |
Davis, James | Music | jamesdavis@planetaprodental.com | |
Davis, Kenneth | Automotive | kennethdavis@planetaprodental.com | 3970 |
Davis, Keyonia | Continuing Education | keyoniadavis@planetaprodental.com | |
Davis, Nahsis | Nursing | nahsisdavis@planetaprodental.com | |
Dawson, Cindy | Adult Education | cindydawson@planetaprodental.com | |
De la Cruz, Aracely | Operations and Maintenance | aracelydelacruz@planetaprodental.com | |
De la Rosa-Sabina, Luis | Continuing Education | luisdelarosa-sabina@planetaprodental.com | |
Dean, Tuan | College Readiness | tuandean@planetaprodental.com | 3282 |
Debush, Christine | Adult Education | christinedebush@planetaprodental.com | 3829 |
Decker, Bill | Social Science | billdecker@planetaprodental.com | 3509 |
DeGuire, Christopher | College Readiness | christopherdeguire@planetaprodental.com | |
Dejesus, Nestor | Engineering Technology | nestordejesus@planetaprodental.com | |
Delehanty, Emily | Continuing Education | emilydelehanty@planetaprodental.com | |
Delgado, Anabel | Adult Education | anabeldelgado@planetaprodental.com | 3352 |
Delgado, Diego | Academic Success Center | diegodelgado@planetaprodental.com | |
Delgado, Julio | Research | juliodelgado@planetaprodental.com | 3615 |
Demos, Marina | Behavioral Science | marinademos@planetaprodental.com | 6533 |
DeMuro Graves , Jess | Visual Communication/Graphics | jessicademuro@planetaprodental.com | |
Deoniziak, Peter | Engineering Technology | peterdeoniziak@planetaprodental.com | |
Derosier, Andrea | Financial Aid | andreaderosier@planetaprodental.com | 3432 |
Dertz, David | Business and Technology | daviddertz@planetaprodental.com | |
Desarden, Monica | Child Development Center | monicadesarden@planetaprodental.com | |
Deutscher, Breanne | Athletics | breannedeutscher@planetaprodental.com | |
DeVol, Purva | Planning and Accreditation | purvadevol@planetaprodental.com | 3434 |
Dezynski, William | Social Science | williamdezynski@planetaprodental.com | |
Dhamavasi, Archawee | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | archaweedhamavasi@planetaprodental.com | 3431 |
Di Giacomo, Amelia | Accounts Payable | ameliadigiacomo@planetaprodental.com | 3754 |
Dial, Dominique | Center for Access and Accommodative Services | dominiquedial@planetaprodental.com | 3854 |
Diana, Robert | Continuing Education | robertdiana@planetaprodental.com | |
Diaz, Jacqueline | Fitness Center | jacquelinediaz@planetaprodental.com | |
Diaz-Rosales, Isidro | Network Services | isidrodiaz@planetaprodental.com | 3198 |
Diaz-Sanchez, Karina | Child Development Center | karinadiaz-sanchez@planetaprodental.com | |
Dibari, Maryann | Public Affairs | maryanndibari@planetaprodental.com | 3202 |
Dillow, Robin | Social Science | robindillow@planetaprodental.com | |
Dinh, Evie | Assessment Services | eviedinh@planetaprodental.com | 3124 |
Dolapchieva-Johneva, Martina | Adult Education | martinadolapchieva-j@planetaprodental.com | |
Doligosa, Michael | Continuing Education | michaeldoligosa@planetaprodental.com | 3709 |
Dominguez, Diane | Admissions and Records | dianedominguez@planetaprodental.com | |
Dominguez, Jonathan | Admissions and Records | jonathandominguez2@planetaprodental.com | 4113 |